AB Screen (1)

AB Screen (1)

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Product Details

Advantest PLB-420972BB2 BLB-020972 & BLB-020986 for M6541AD

Advantest PLB-420972BB2 BLB-020972 & BLB-020986XALL for M6541AD

Advantest PLB-420972BB2 BLB-020972 for M6541AD

Advantest R17050 opt 01 automatic calibration kit

Advantest U3641 spectrum analyzer

Aeon assy 518AS-02 ISA300-B rev 6.0

Aeon systems ISA300 assy 518AS-01 PN: 01-2660-6.0

Aera FC-770AC 200 SCCM N2

Aera FC-7810CU 20 SLM H2

Aera TC FC-781CHHT AS102S-B5 SIH[N(CH3)2]3 300SCCM C140326011

Aera TC FC-781CHHT SiH[N(CH3)2]3 300SCCM C140326011

Aera TC FC-PAR785CT-BW MULTI-4 AERA 00003269

Aera TC FC-PAR785CT-BW SiH2CI2 200 SCCM AERA00002679

Aera TC FC-PAR785CT-BW SiH2CI2(0.423) 200 SCCM

Aera TC FC-PAR785CT-BW SiH2CI2(0.423) 200 SCCM AERA00003269

Aeroflex serno 0624 control 10T assy 455-30833 340-20123

AES-0277 rev B MMS RI03 DSP & AES-0276 board

AETRIUM/WEB assy SA4804106

Agilent 11940A Close-Field probe 30MHz-1GHz

Agilent 11941A Close-Field probe 9kHz-30MHz

Agilent 5063-1616 & 5087-7303-13-0438-3029

Agilent 5063-1616 & 5087-7303-13-0443-3083

Agilent 5063-1616 & 5087-7303-13-0443-3087

Agilent 5063-1616 & 5087-7303-13-0511-03128

Agilent 75000 Series C E2195-66510 digital subscriber line conditioning unit

Agilent 81632A power sensor

Agilent 84001-20124 rev 101

Agilent 84001-60146 D3936

Agilent 86061C lightwave OPT 001 012 051 109 204 UK6

Agilent DSO1024A 200MHz 2GSa/s oscilloscope No probe

Agilent E3632A OE3 DC Power supply

Agilent G1947A APCI accessory

Agilent G2441-80010 7596MH8 electron multiplier ceramic channel

Agilent G3454-60554 COC V002G6

Agilent G3454-60554 COC V002GA

Agilent N2372-20040 rev 001 IF MUX board

Agilent N2376-20002 rev 002 N2376-63002-30-0533-00020 & N2376-60068

Agilent N2376-20004 rev 001 board

Agilent N2376-20013 Rev 002

Agilent starcell 9191146 vacion plus 20 pump with sm-co magnets

AIRMAR Smart Sensor CS4500-P17 CS4500-850 Ultrasonic speed sensor 20-714-01

Airtron assy 0445-6733 8.5mm YAG rod

Ajinextek RTEX-DI32 V2.0.1

Akashi B115E02P-2 board

Akashi B115E07P-2 board

Akashi B115E11P-1

Akribis AVM60-25 & MicroE mercury 1500 & Oriental motor ARM66BC assy

Akribis systems DAP-31-10

Alcatel 3BA 53062 CPU3 3BA57162ABAB & 3BA23099AAAB

Alcatel ACS 1000 P/N: 305115 gauge control

Alcatel adixen ATP 150 ED.04 turbo pump

Alcatel ATP 150 ED.00 turbo pump

Alcatel Congi 3AL78830AD

Alcatel PC-COM PWA 10000202 rev D

Alcatel Sergi 3AL98269AA

ale systems 003-0219


ALGO ALDA40M-3 H:VER. 3.0 S:VER.3.30B


Alicat Scientific PC-15PSIG-O-V3/10IN,CP

ALICE HLT H-RORC Rev 2.0 & STS-200.71.0017.0000

ALIS 15000002203 illuminator board

Alis Scan Acquisition analog interface board P/N: 1500000140 rev 2-1

Alis Scan Acquisition digital interface & Processor bd P/N: 1500000130 rev 2-0

Alphasem ADCOS VME A-100, VIT-12, LEAG TFM 064-06-09-F TFM 060-06-05-99 & others

Alphasem AS262-0-02 AS261-0-02 AS309-1-03 for SL9022

Alphasem AS262-0-02 rev C for SL9022

Alphasem AS309-1-03 AS262-0-02 AS261-0-02 for SL9022

Alphasem AS313-0-02 rev A for SL9022

Alphasem DB6S9 driver board

Alphasem PC/AT interface AS257-0-02 rev C board

Alphasem Power step CNTRL/DRIVER AS309-1-03 rev B for SL9022

Altas elektronik GE2154 G 220 GE2154G220

Altera Stratix DSP S80 Development Board Rev. 1.2

Altium signal processing card 021-141740-001 rev C

Altium signal processing card 021-141740-001 rev C6

Altium signal processing card 021-141740-001 rev CL

Altium signal processing card 021-141740-001 rev CM

AMAT Applied materials 3870-06673 rev 00 gate compl.

AMD Intectra MN: 113624-03 Objective & Centering Current Supply

American Megatrends PT631 motherboard & CPU 2.66GHz & RAM

Amersham Biosciences 0228-907 V2 PCA SCSI CNTRL

Amersham Biosciences 0407-173 V2P PCA,PRSCR,STR

Amersham Biosciences 0407-456 V3A PCA,MTR,CNTRL

Amersham biosciences INV-907 AKTA FPLC Valve Module 18-1108-40


Amersham Biosciences pH/C-900 V1.01 18-1107-76 and conductivity flow cell

Amersham Biosciences UPC-900 V1.02

Amersham Biosciences UV-900 v2.01

Amersham INV-907 18-1108-40 Pharmacia Motor Valve

AMERSHAM IV-908 Code No.: 18-1108-42

Amersham Pharmacia AKTA FPLC Accumulator for FRAC-950

Amersham Pharmacia AKTA FPLC Accumulator for GE FRAC-950

Ametek MG-4 intrinsically safe portable air sampling pump

AMK AZ-EA24 AZ-EA24-2.00 Rev. 2.00

AMK AZ-IG2 KPL Rev. 01.04

AMO LMK101.7-0-X-5-S18

AMO LMK101.7-0-X-5-S19

Ampere macro 6302A M6302A

Ampere marco 6020A M-6020A PCB-308C

Ampro A60702 rev H ver 01

Anatel AS2010501 rev 02 for A1000 S10

Anatel AS2010601 sensor I/O interface for A1000 S10

Anatel AS2041803 for A1000 S10

ANDO AQ4303C white light source CW/270Hz AS IT

ANELVA MIG-430 ionization gauge AC100V

Angenieux SZH93-ST zoom control & CA93-ST clamp & ZC93-ST cable

Anorad 69982 RGBD x01 interface 5um

Anorad B800155 Y Axis Servo Amplifier

Anorad B800157 Axis Encoder PCB

Anorad SMA8315HP-0C4-009B-1A-1-00 P/N 74301 120Volt

Anritsu 322U12849 MT00695 A03 for MS2665C

Anritsu 322U12853 PMC/GPIB for MS2665C

Anritsu 322U13269(Y2) A1306 & 34Y110446C MT00112 A00 & 34Y110447 MT00231 A00

Anritsu 322U13830 MT00468 A02 for MS2665C

Anritsu 329H13290 D37687 A02 & MP758A & 329H13501 M00324 A01 for MS2665C

Anritsu 339H37752 D39484 A01 for MS2665C

Anritsu 34Y108179B MT00268 A02 & A1001 322U13640b RF CONT for MS2665C

Anritsu 34Z112975 Ver D for MS2665C

Anritsu 929U7770 NCCU board

Anritsu A02 Front board 322U14223 MT00842 B01 for MS2665C

Anritsu A03 CPU 322U14225

Anritsu A03 CPU 322U14225 MT00839 B03 for MS2665C

Anritsu A03 CPU 332U14225

Anritsu A03 CPU MT01256 B03

Anritsu A1 Main CPU W22U2311(Y1) board

Anritsu A10 main CPU 322U11161 (Y3)

Anritsu A3 1st local unit A1 local unit(1) & A2 local unit (2)

Anritsu A3 MEAS CPU W22U2317(Y1)

Anritsu A4 IF BPF 322U11167(Y2)

Anritsu A5 Scan 322U11171(Y2) & A6 IF LOG/DET 322U11169(Y3)

Anritsu A8 MEAS CPU 332U31193(Y2)

Anritsu A9 DISP CPU 322U11159(X3)

Anritsu keypad for MS2665C

Anritsu KL1301BMKC sensor head

Anritsu MS0907A

Anritsu MS2711B w/ Options 8 & 20 MS2711B/8/20 Version 2.23

Anritsu MT00375 A01 & MT00304 A02 & MT00094 A01 for MS2665C

Anritsu radiation test signal generator MG318A

Anritsu TONE SIG A6-A3 322U11319(Y1)

Anritsu Z1 422U11129(BY3) & Z15 432U27968 (BY3)

Anritsu Z2 422U11131 (BY2) card

Anritsu Z3 422U11346(BY4)

Anritsu Z4 422U11133 (BY1)

Anritsu Z5 422U11348(BY1)

Anritsu Z7 422U11139 (BY2) & Z19 432U30889 (BY2) card

Antares microsystems ASM 20-052-0061

AP-5200SH single board computer

API Controls PS-3303d-E-C3

Apogee U9000X high performance cooled CCD camera

Applied Biosystems 0500-0007 0501-0007-A 604011 rev 1

Applied Biosystems 0501-0008A 0500-0037 rev F

Applied Biosystems 4368915 B.1 24V 130W 055127F1

Applied Biosystems assy 4370192 rev C

Applied biosystems assy 4373739 rev. F

Applied biosystems assy 4373739 rev. L

Applied biosystems assy 4373739 rev. M

Applied biosystems assy 4373779 & 4370967

Applied biosystems assy 4374860 rev F

Applied Biosystems P/N: 4376594

Applied Intelligent 08001-4036-000-05 630VME Vision Board

Applied Kinetics SAZ V6.1

Applied materials 0010-09577.001 XBR-2310 1843623012 servo motor

Applied materials 0010-47882 Rev 02 CNTRLR DNET AXIOM ACP

Applied materials 0021-87955 rev 03 301447-2216

Applied materials 0041-33300 rev: 002 shell assy, 195mm semi notch

Applied materials 0041-84181 REV 10 MOUNT BLOCK, LINEAR GUIDE, WAFER LIFT,ETCH

Applied materials 0100-02040 rev 05 PCB for 0090-04736 rev. 04

Applied materials 0100-11002 rev F digital I/O card

Applied materials 0100-20213 rev A

Applied Materials 0140-26549 rev. 03

Applied materials 0150-21447 rev 001

Applied materials 0190-09475

Applied materials 0190-47186 rev 003

Applied materials 0190-47186 rev 003 3007051-4522-5068

Applied Materials 0190-80374 rev 01 RF Coaxial Source Cable

Applied Materials 0190-80374 rev 01 RF Coaxial Source Cable, 77.3ft, 7/16 St

Applied materials 3760-00720 liner guide, height 24mm x 160mm, light

Applied Materials AC Current sense assy 0100-00046 rev F

Applied materials AMAT 0010-42371 Rev 03 Box-Power

Applied materials AMAT 0150-31147 rev 2 Cable assy

Applied Materials AMAT 0190-49999 rev 05

Applied materials analog signal conditioner 0100-00049 rev G

Applied materials CVD interface 0190-23215

Applied materials E11627420 Interface box

Applied materials isolation amplifier 0100-00156 rev E

Applied materials isolation amplifier 0100-00156 rev F

Applied materials VME counter board assy 0100-00012 rev A

Applied materials VME counter board assy 0100-00012 rev F

Applimotion 1073-1-000-01 & SMAC LAL30-015-51F

Applimotion 1073-1-000-01 & SMAC LAL30-015-51FS

Aptina DEMO2X Rev 4, High Speed Serial Adapter board, MT9J003 Headboard HiSpi

AR-B9012 Ver: 1.5 board

Arburg 409 SN 78.671A

Arburg 414B SN 79.426A NR. 002670

Arburg 425 SN 82.533A

Arburg 692 S-N 125.725A NR. 70267

Arburg 695 171.758A

Arburg 705 SN 127.991A

Arburg 757 SN: 165.211 A & 762 SN: 168.063 A

Arburg ARB 750 & FG-ML2 ARB 754

Arburg ARB 771 NR.000325 Stand: 001

Arburg ARB 772

Arcadia PN: AB-6015 support 100mm immerse station for Contrade

Arcom Control PCAD12/16H 524/17 V1 Iss4

Arcom Control PCAD12/16H V1 Iss3

Arcom control systems SCB34

Arcom SBC-GX1 & 300MHz CPU & RAM


ARD MOT2-01 ASY 69972100 & MOT1-02 ASY 6997209B00

Areva NDB1002000A 01dB-Metravib

Artesyn HPS3000-9 HPS3000-9-001

Artesyn P/N22944300 Rev 00K power supply

Artikel Nr. 931.182/6

Artikel NR. 931.184/1

ARVOO Picasso Compact-CL CPCI-CL Rev.B

Asahi Kogyosha F930 79 42(3)C IF/B-04

Asahi Sunac MJC300 MJ Controller


Asem modc4 rev 1 module


Ashcroft 25D1005PS02L30#-BL & Watson Smith 498-479

Ashcroft 25D1005PS02L60#-BL & Watson Smith 498-485

ASM 02-15456 rev C SV-I 03-21135 rev I board

ASM 02-15839 rev B 03-20930 rev K

ASM 02-15912 Rev A 03-21022 rev EQ

ASM 02-81084-02 DSP BQM 100KHz DSP100-33907-40 03-28233-02 rev G-P2

ASM 02-81084-03 DSP BQM 138KHz 03-28233-03

ASM 02-81084-04 DSP BQM 100KHz DSP100-33930-284 03-28233-04 rev G-P2

ASM 02-81227 QUAD STEP X-ELEV 03-28401-01 rev EP XQS-E60AP04-148

ASM 02-81227 QUAD STEP X-ELEV 03-28401-01 rev ER

ASM 02-81227 QUAD STEP X-ELEV 03-28401-01 rev ET

ASM 02-81227 QUAD STEP X-ELEV 03-28401-01 rev EU

ASM 02-81227-01 QUAD STEP X-ELEV S03-28690 rev AP

ASM 02-81227-01 QUAD STEP X-ELEV S03-28690 rev AQ

ASM 02-82323 rev B 03-20769 & 03-20610-01 & 03-28394 & 03-28369

ASM 02-82388 INDEXER SERVO 03-28305-03 rev E IS-EAGLE6011-184

ASM 02-82389-01 X-TABLE SERVO 03-28305-05 Rev CP

ASM 02-82390 Y-Table servo 03-28305-02 Rev C

ASM 02-82390-01 Y-TABLE SERVO 03-28305-05 rev CP

ASM 02-82391 Z-SERVO 03-28305-01 Rev A-P1

ASM 02-82391 Z-SERVO 03-28305-01 Rev C-P1

ASM 02-82393 W/H I/O 03-28338 rev E WHIO-E60AP04-148

ASM 02-82750 Z-SERVO 03-28305-04 rev HP

ASM 02-82750 Z-SERVO 03-28628-04 rev C

ASM 02-82782 Rev B 03-28481

ASM 02-82843-01 03-28419-02 rev I Left BH Driver (HW)

ASM 02-82848-01 Right BH Driver(HW) 03-28419-02 Rev I

ASM 02-82851 APS30 AC Servo cage driver

ASM 02-86589 03-28627-02 rev J Left Bonder CPU module

ASM 03060811-06 CVJ-F729-1790

ASM 03-20140-01 rev L TS-38-31

ASM 03-20140-02 Rev L TS-38-80

ASM 03-20140-03 Rev L

ASM 03-20140-04 Rev. L

ASM 03-20140-05 Rev L

ASM 03-20140-06 rev H-P1 R-INDEXER SI-33929-77

ASM 03-20140-07 rev H-P1 L-INDEXER IS-33929-559

ASM 03-20240-01 rev J QS-38-37

ASM 03-20240-02 Rev. J

ASM 03-20240-04 Rev. F

ASM 03-20240-05 rev. A

ASM 03-20245-01 rev D

ASM 03-20399-05 Rev E

ASM 03-20814-01 Rev A

ASM 03-20870-14 rev E

ASM 03-20870-17 rev D

ASM 03-20932-03 Rev GP

ASM 03-28163-03 rev F Z-SERVO ZSC-33931-128

ASM 03-28163-03 rev.F servo board ZSC-33928-55

ASM 03-28164 Rev. H-P2

ASM 03-28179 SI rev D-P1 Board

ASM 03-28244 Rev. G

ASM 03-28305-01 Rev A board

ASM 03-28305-02 Rev. A 64-28305 Rev B

ASM 03-28334 rev. A-P2

ASM 03-28338 rev E WHIO-EAGLE6011-184

ASM 03-28338 Rev. A

ASM 03-28401-02 Rev B YQS-EAGLE6003-115

ASM 03-28627 Rev AP

ASM 03-28627-02 Rev J

ASM 03-28627-02 Rev K

ASM 802-00206/F 03-21817/A

ASM AC Servo driver module 02-15908-13

ASM APS30 AC servo driver unit 02-30488 rev C

ASM APS30 AC servo driver unit 02-30488-02 rev B

ASM AS 03102932-01

ASM ASH-ETX-IV266-BIORAD(L)-3011 ECAR-100F 51-46606-0B10 & CPU 400MHz

ASM BH driver 02-85659 rev. C P01-D00531A-85416 rev. A

ASM Force calibrator

ASM HiPEC 03-20601 rev D-P2 02-15458 rev B-P1

ASM HiPEC 03-20601 rev D-P3 02-15458 rev B-P2

ASM HiPEC 03-20601 rev E 02-15458 rev B-P2

ASM HiPEC 03-20717 Rev C-P1 02-15467 rev A

ASM HiPEC Chassis with 02-33632/D 02-15456-05/C & 02-15459/AQ

ASM HPD50C servo driver card

ASM HPTC-8CH-01J4 02-82729-03/A

ASM MBDST 02-84048 rev A module

ASM P03-D00015A-00156 rev. A card

ASM P03-D00284A-83936 Rev A

ASM S03-20339-02 rev. A

ASM S03-20339-03 rev A

ASM S03-20389 Rev B & 03-20610

ASM Solenoid driver S03-28773 SOL-TE11-065

ASM WH CPU 02-86586 03-28627-01 rev D

ASM XQS-E60AP01-010 02-81227 QUAD STEP X-ELEV 03-28401-01 rev C

ASML 4022.436.1609

ASML 4022.436.86042

ASML 4022.455.55891 BD Entrance window 248NM

ASML 4022.456.34701

ASML 4022.471.40434 4022.471.4779

ASML 4022.471.50434

ASML 4022.471.56585

ASML 4022.471.80942 edge sensor board

ASML 4022.471.81441 WH Pneumatic interface board

ASML 4022.471.99551


ASML 4022.486.18121 HF Cleaning FUNC. 2W

ASML 4022.634.03111

ASML 4022.634.10672

ASML 4022.634.26471

Assy 38197-104 with 37326-107 & 37505-104

Assy B125011 03 SLT 3812502.02 for Tecan GENios Art.-NR. F129004

Astex PA control board ABT-X319 rev K

Astex PA control board ABT-X319 rev L


Asymtek 7200145 rev C A ASM7200145

Asymtek 7200160 rev C

Asymtek 7200165 rev A ASM7200165 REV A

Asymtek 7216710 rev C ASM7216710G rev C

Asymtek 7226035 Rev E PCB

Asymtek assy 7200890 Rev B ASM7200890G PCB

Asymtek assy 7206865 rev D ASM7206865G

Asymtek assy 7207295 rev B ASM7207295GREVB

Asymtek assy 7207295 rev C ASM7207295G

Asymtek assy 7226030 ASM7226030G rev B

Asymtek DispenseJet DJ-9500

Asymtek spectrum 7204195 rev B board

ASYS AOP T70 P090 ArtNr: 24220.0004 HW: V0.5

ASYS AOP T70 P090 ArtNr: 24220.0004 HW: V0.7/01

ASYS CEDIO-P 24/24/2-0.5-1131 V.0001 & Berghof QDIO 24/24/2-0,5 V.0001

ASYS CEDIO-P 24/24/2-0.5-1131 V.0001 & Berghof QDIO 24/24/2-0,5 V.0001#

ASYS CEDIO-P 24/24/2-1131 V.0005 & Berghof QDIO 24/24/2-0,5 V.0001

ASYS CEDIO-P 24/24/2-1131 V.0005 & QDIO 24/24/2 V.0003 Berghof QDIO 24/24/2-0.5

ASYS Group SIM2.0 Safety Relay Controller

Asyst technologies 3200-1025-01 rev B

Asyst technologies 3200-1026-01 rev 3

Asyst technologies 3200-1027-01 rev A A.C. relay card

ATEQ 550.04.00.C PCB for 300.20

Athena EMC40-R-R-R-R-48-00-00-00-000

Atlas Copco P/N 1900 0711 81 Art-No 86 17 000111 with ACI1-MC2 card

Atlas elektronik GE2164 G 702 GE2164G702 G 228

Atlas elektronik MY2302 GE 2164 G 214


Augier energy 3009040 & 3009268 PCB

Augier energy 3009040F & 3009268E PCB & Itron GU140X16J-7002

August Multi Port vacuum board P/N: 702243 rev B A/N 702244 rev B1

August NSX Safety Interlock board PN 702124 A/N 702125 Rev C

August NSX Safety Interlock S I/O PN 702126 A/N 702127 Rev A

August NSX115 IO board P/N 713805 Rev 01 A/N 714333 rev E

August Technology P/N: 715002 rev A turret control board

August Technology Servo amplifier PN 200222 A/N 701223 Rev C

Aurotek MC8040A PCB

Automata VME multi/ea D-2100-021-1

Aux Cont PCB 130PC510 issue 2



AVO international 5440-235(A2) board

AVO international 5440-237(A2) board

Axcelis PCB 1426890 rev C assy 15S0869 rev A Air interface D.I. PCB

Axic D-PAD use on Precision 1000

Axiomtek SBC81700 Rev: A1-RC & 1GHz CPU & RAM

AXIS Q7404 P/N: 0291-001-01

AXT Ajinextek BPHR rev B1.0 & SMC-2V02 & SMC-1V02


Azonix 11-500273 rev 2

BA730400 use on Machinemate MM8000L2BA730400 use on Machinemate MM8000L2

Baasel lasertech Y46 050.S LBS 101101886 & IDH01 Y47 050.S Rev A

Baasel lasertech Y46 050.S LBS 84300-049 & IDH01 Y47 050.S Rev A

BAASEL LASERTECH Y46 050.S LBS 84300-081 A-F-6938

Baldor BSM63A-175AA brushless AC Servomotor

Baldor BSM63A-275AA brushless AC Servomotor

Baldor NextMove e100 NXE100-1608

Balzers AI 420 BG512850-T/A

Balzers BIC 250 Ion Plating control

Balzers QM 420B Art-No.: 894 BG 438 100 AT

Balzers RV 420A BG440500-T/B

Banner iVuTG IVURGPX25 image sensor

Barco CVS V751281 input extension module

Barco display systems BarcoMed 5MP1H NT KM57000004

Barco display systems BarcoMed 5MP1H NT KM57000010

Barco Overview DR+ PU art. nr. R7646525

Barco V751502 module

Barnett engineering B1225 V2.4

Bartec control module 07-7331-8122/1100 & Sensor-Modul 17-51P2 & 17-51P3

Basler A101 Alphase mIR & Opto f=35mm

Basler A202k 0000102397-05

BASLER acA2000-50gm

Basler acA2500-14gm

Basler acA2500-14gm & SPO TCL3.0X-40D-ST

Basler L301kc & Sigma EX 105mm 1:28D marco lens

Basler vision L101b-2K camera & BIC

Baumer GXMMW.A203P32

Baumer OADM12U6460/S35A V212

Baumer OADM12U6460/S35A V364

Baur 12A-2587-05 13 8744 01 13874401 for IRG 32

Baur 12A-6076-02 13 8743 01 13874301 for IRG 32

Baur IRG 32 panel

BCP-05C board for shinkawa UTC-1000

BD-BIOSCIENCES 7011304 Rev. 01 LED Excitation

BDM assy 70412490500

Beamlok assy 0448-8550 MQA 1098 rev G

Beamlok VSE assy 0448-8550 2100-012 rev J

Becker & Hickl PMC-100-1 DCC-100 CFD

Beckman Coulter 1805 Diluter CPU assy 6707173 1713722D


Beckman Coulter 970BDSP1A MV3280 1.9

Beckman Coulter assy 626324 Signal conditioner/analyzer

Beckman coulter DV500002 MV3297 02A

Beckman Coulter Z Series, Aperture Tube, 100 µm Ampoule 9913157 for Z2

Becton Dickinson assy 03-20120-08 rev B AGND ADC card

Becton Dickinson Pulse board 03-20031-03 rev D

Becton Dickinson Pulse Processor FACSCAN 03-20033-00

Becton Dickinson SSC/FL2 or (FL1/FL3) 03-20030-01

Becton Dickson assy 03-20043-02 rev F classifier board

Becton Dickson assy 331160 rev D Status card

Becton Dickson DDM assy 03-20121-06 Rev J

BEI H40A-500-ABC-28V/5-SC-UL-S P/N: 924-01026-388  no box

Beijer iX Panel K70 Type 07120B

Bender RCMS460-D-2 Art.-no.: B94053002

Benshaw BIPC-300022 BIPC-300022-01-01

Benshaw BIPC-300040-01 rev 9 & BIPC-300000-05-5

Bently Nevada 3300/25-05-13-15-00-01-03-00 dual accelerometer

Bently Nevada 3300/25-05-14-15-00-01-03-00

Bently Nevada 3300/55 3350/55-01-04-03-03-00-00-05-00 dual velocity monitor

Bently Nevada PWA88209-01 Y 220VAV 50/60Hz

Bently Nevada trendmaster 2000 flexiTIM P/N: 200121

Berger Lahr D638.10

Berger Lahr WD 3-004.08-01 Erz. Nr. 64304080103 230-240VAC

Berger Lahr WD3-007.0501 Rev 10 & KSO30

Berger Lahr WD3-007.0501 Rev 20 & KSO30

Berghof CEDIO-P 24/24/2-0.5-1131 Version: 0007

Berthold Technologies Id. 80411/LB 3883-21 CPU-64K Rev 01

Berthold Technologies Id. 81119/LB 3984-2 Nr. 128222-03522 rev 02

BES Technology M6R 20301 rev 3 & M6_MV5575M 30105

BES Technology M6R 20301 rev 6

BES Technology M7 & M7_MV7500P & M7_GSS IF & PHYTEC 1229.1

BES Technology M7 & M7_MV7500P & PHYTEC 1229.1

Bilz HME007-SNT 24VDC-5Amp.

BIO RAD Micromeasurements RATS interface board Y5304803 Issue C

BIO RAD PROTEAN II xi Cell Electrophoresis Cell Catalog# 1651811

BioLogic Science Instruments MM 450

BioLogic Science Instruments PMS 250

BioLogic Science Instruments PMS 250 & PMT-250

Biorad 10001671 rev A 10001672 CPU board for icycler thermal cycler

Bio-rad 9208650 rev F & 800-8657 rev B board for icycler thermal cycler

Bio-rad DCSERVO Y5304300 Iss B Board

Bio-rad E09701 V02 pressure board

Bio-rad High Voltage Bipolar 9-00863 rev E

BIORAD Micromeasurements DSF VME interface Y5304903 Issue A

BIO-RAD Versadoc assy 800-5030 rev J main PCB for model 5000

Bit 3 computer 403-202 82002045 rev. N

BL Super P30B04010DXS8FM & CGI 017PLX0220-XX-5597X

Blackmagic Design DeckLink Quad SDI PCIe 8 Lane Card BMDPCB143A

BLANK assy 2210627 0537-1S PCB

BLT MPK 708E V1.10 lift controller

Bluecord Technology WP20300T Pre-Aligner

BOBST 0701249701 723-LW 11246054

BOC Edwards turbomolecular pump EXT200/200H 24V for Waters ZQ Micromass

Bonitron 3438C2C

Bonitron 3460D4G

Boonton electronics 5232 RF Power Meter/Voltmeter

BORI JUE301194-D JUE301195 ICP

BORRI CPHC16 JUE301145-A JUE301146 R FS1201 Rev. 1A

Borri JUE301145-A CPHC16

BORRI JUE301316/B JUE301317 ICT-2 rev B

Borri JUE302482-A TLCL board

Borri JUE302491-B JUE302311-B JUD303788 SFP/CPU board

Bowen motherboard 6682 V: 2.12 & CPU

BP KN149-Z001-2ND board

Brandenburg DN1043 for waters micromass ZQ

Brandenburg Power Supply DN1047 for Waters MicroMass ZQ

Bright Solutions PCB for LASERVALL 1AC808LI0

British telecommunications PLC SCA058 dual processor

Bronkhorst EL-Flow F-201AC-FAB-22-V 30 ls/min AiR 5bar(g)/0bar(g)

Bronkhorst EL-Flow F-201AC-FAB-22-V 40 ln/min AiR 5bar(g)/0bar(g)

Bronkhorst Hi-Tec BRA-001F 3 ln/min AIR

Bronkhorst Hi-Tec F-201C-FB-33-Z 3 ln/min CO2

Brookhaven instruments BI-HV

Brooks 002-3987-02 universal DC Power distribution

Brooks 013501:015.25 00 013501-015-25 0.13501.015.14

Brooks automation P/N: 112910 TT1ENR2-1-TVS-NES-BROOKS

Brooks Instrument 5850EC4BM43B2A GAS: AIR 15 SLPM

Brooks instrument GF125CXXC GF125C-105882 GAS: N2 15000sccm

Brooks instrument GF125CXXC-SH467.2L-CXVOE0-1181AX-000 7200SCCM

Brooks instrument GF125CXXC-SH47015L-CXVOE0-1181AX-000 N2 15000SCCM

Brooks instruments 7950S N2 500 SCCM

Brooks irvine optical CCD2 board


Brooks SLA5850SB1AB1B2A1 GAS: Ar smart mass flow

Brother B52J014-100C use on HS-3100

Brown Boveri HEDT300381R1 300 381 R1

Bruel & Kjaer charge accelerometer Type 4374

Bruel & Kjaer Signal Analyzer Interface Module Type 7521

Burr-brown PCI-20202C-1 PCI-20023M-1 PCI-20201M-1

burster präzisionsmeßtechnik 6781/401B & 6705/401Ba & 6705/402Ba

BVM BVME130 451-48130 rev D S.C.S.I./Floppy controller

BVM BVME61 QUAD I/P Rev C 93050B


Bystronic laser E5044 E5044-5-D 10047897 main controller

C 79451-Z1188-U3 C79451-Z1188-U3

Cable for Comdel CB600 P/N: FP7121R1

Cambridge 000-3008041 assembly

Cambridge 6230H XY & CTI677 CTI6745 rev D & S4LFT0825/126 1064nm

Cambridge 6230MA40 Galvanometer

Cambridge 6231H & 6230H & DDC30002XA rev D

Cambridge 650 rev E2 board

Cambridge 6810P X & Y assy galvanometer with mirror 1064nm

Cambridge technology 7087 rev R RWA3005 board

Cameca 039245322 39245323

Cameca 39262529 1/2 0039262528-D VIPB 01 02

Cameca 39262529 1/2 0039262528-D VIPC 01 02

Cameca 39262529 1/2 0039262528-D VIPD 01 02

Camera I/F 033-001036-01 board

Camera SL140236A & nikon EL-NIKKOR 40mm 1:4 lens

Camtek I/O PC0020701 SA9016100 rev 4 card

Camtek PC0015101 SA9010810 rev B card

Camtek PC0015101 SA9015501 rev C card

Camtek PC9126600 SA0412800 rev D card

Candela instruments scan head assembly

Canon AinS-L2 BG5-2136 BH8-2445-04 AinSLaveL2

Canon AinS-LSTG BG3-4394 BH8-2445-04 AinSLaveLSTG

Canon BG6-0295 BH4-0501-02

Canon BG6-0477 BH4-0516-03

Canon BG6-0494 WSI BH4-0614-01

Canon BG8-2456 BH8-1377-01 & BG4-3669 BH8-1376-01 BH8-2455

Canon BG9-0232 BH4-0738-01 PCB

Canon BG9-0412 BH4-0843-02

Canon BG9-0413 BH4-0844-02

Canon BG9-3767 BH8-0784-03 IL-SHDRV-PCB

Canon BG9-3767 BH8-0784-03 IL-SHDRV-PCB & BH8-0772-03 IL-SHDRV-PCB

Canon BG9-3768 BG8-3004 BH8-0774-03

Canon BG9-3785 BH8-0777-02indow

Canon BG9-3794 BH8-0799-02

Canon BG9-4166 BH8-1007-01 QZ-ASML Drive

Canon BG9-4757 BG8-3108 BH8-1069-02 AFDRV

Canon BG9-9450 BH8-1012-01 PCB

Canon BH4-0224-03 BG6-0124

Canon BH4-0225-03 BG6-0125

Canon BH4-0226-03 BG6-0126

Canon BH4-0850-01 PCB

Canon BH8-0595-02 BG4-3089

Canon BH8-0595-02 BG9-4090

Canon BH8-0596-02 BG9-3238

Canon BH8-0600-03 BG9-3244

Canon BH8-0740-01 BG9-3753 BG8-2272

Canon BH8-0776-02 BG9-3784

Canon BH8-0806-01 BG9-3786

Canon BH8-0885-01 BG9-4350

Canon BH8-1075-02 BG9-4765 BG8-3119

Canon BH8-2065-02 CD90-INTLK BG4-8805 BG8-3375

Canon CAS-DT GH0-0470-01 GG0-2983

Canon CMCD-PCB2 BG3-4531 BH8-2430-01 BG8-3644

Canon GG0-0851 RA-CT GH0-0466-01

Canon LMTHSW-L2 BG3-5533 LM_THSW_L PCB2/ES2 BH8-2484-01

Canon MLE-CD BG8-3658 BG3-5231 BH8-2479-03

Canon OAS-CD BG3-5210 BH9-0104

Carel PCO3CC0AM0 rev 1.201 GENIUS III

Cargoscan A/S CS5120 CPU Rev Q P/N: 650098

Carl Zeiss Fiber Optic Cable for OPMI1

Carte Etrali SIM736-3 double interface BUS


Cascade Microscopy Transport Remote P/N: 144-825

Cascade Programmable Micropositioner MS1

Cattron-Theimeg Portable remote controls 990517-20

Cavro P/N: 726796C 723980 Use on HACH 9703 CE

CCB60Hz Short Cards ATR PN: 1053325010 rev 00


CDS electronics IM740A PC9808 A

CDS electronics IMC710 PC9420 & IMC715

CDS IMC752 PC9417 A

CDS IMC753 PC9416 A

CDS IMC756 PC9513 A

CDS IMC757 PC9509 A

Cedar digital torque tester DI-9F

Celerity DSMAE10R10004000050 AR 50 SCCM IN2 mass flow controller

Celerity UFC-1661 7.5L Ar 3030-15390

Celerity UNIT UFC-8565 5L NF3 Mass Flow Controller

Centrotherm GMA-02 ID.Nr: 000922

Centrotherm GMA-03 ID.Nr: 110432

Centrotherm VUEW-I04 ID.Nr: 000917

Cerberus 452412-1 BOARD

Cetia Matrix MS-PIO MS-PIO-6U

Chase Scientific CG400-PCI

Cherokee PE4142/01 U NC 9415 041 42011

Chrislin CI-VME40 8Mb P/N: 73059

Christian Stapf Elektronik Type FIPS

Chroma AC hipot tester 19071 Passed

CHU2-IF-E8-48684-00 & OC-SH4=-E8 48689-01 & A4200-U00Z

CI5TTV-1.00 CI5TTV-C1-C1A-0108 industrial mother board & CPU 233MHz & RAM

CIO-DAC16 16CH Analog Voltage Output Board

Circutor H.30.1C clamp

Cisco U58L047 Rev 0 U58L047T03 00 MotherBoard

Citizen DTM-FA ELEMETRON Amplifiers 100VAC

CKD 82754-PR01B(GF)

CKD ABSODEX AX9000TS-J1-U0 driver

CKD ABSODEX AX9000TS-U0 driver

CKD CN2 Host Board AMCP-D

CKD Pressure controller G VYX-0276-CONT

C-Matic 68010 processor card & daughter board 1868M8

Cognex 200-0032 rev. B VM-16

Cognex 200-0057-1 ZF 801-3403-01 F VPM-3418-1

Cognex 200-0057-1 ZF VPM-3418-1 801-3403-01 F

Cognex 200-0057-1 ZH 801-3403-01 G VPM-3418-1

Cognex 200-0057-1 ZJ VPM-3418-1 801-3403-01 J

Cognex 5110 rev C P/N 800-5870-1 A & TV lens & Coaxial Light Unit & XYZ stage

Cognex 801CQ-8145-02 VPM-8102S/C-000 rev A 200-0192-3

Cognex 801CQ-8145-02 VPM-8102S/C-000 rev A Opt: A 200-0192-3

Cognex In-Sight 1000 800-5740-1 Rev N

Cognex In-Sight 5110 800-5870-1A IS5110-00 Rev C & LFV2-CP-18SW-M30

Cognex In-Sight 5110 IS5110-00 Rev F 800-5870-IR A

Cognex NotchMax IS5100 IS5100-NMAX-KT00 C

Cognex VM16A 203-0075-RE

Cognex VP50 VPP-0050 200-0042 card

Cognex VPM-2004 Rev K 203-0005-Rev H VM-8

Cognex VPM-3418 rev K VM-10A

Cognex VPM-3418 rev N VM-10A

Cognex VPM-3418SK rev S VM-10A

Cognex VPM-5118-32 800-5710-1 Rev A & VideoMixer 200-0035-1

Cognex VPM-5218-32 801-5208-01 E 800-5710-1 Rev A

Cognex VPM-8100Q-000 Rev A OPT:H 801-8120-01

Cognex VPM-8120X-5060 rev A OPT:A-B-D8 & 200-0113-6B

Cognex VPM-8120X-5060 rev A OPT:A-B-D8 & 200-0113-6B (#1)


Coherent 61155 & 61156 PCB & EOT-QSW10Wger for Vector 1064-750-01

Coherent 61155 & 61156 PCB board for Vector 1064-750-01

Coherent assy 0171-513-00 & 0176-248-00

Coherent AVIA CPU BD assy 0176-011-00 rev B

Coherent AVIA head bd assy 0171-703-00 rev. C1

Coherent AVIA-HP Pulse bd assy 0178-112-00

Coherent GEM laser P/N: 1101-00-0001 rev AB

Coherent IO controller assy 0164-425-00 rev D

Coherent LP 61603 & LP 61617 & ADLAS card for Compass 501QM-Y

Coherent optics for 0175-358-50

Coherent PM-1300 Rofin 150500340

Coherent PM-1411 Rofin 150500373

Cohu 6712-2000/0000 Camera Controller Module

Cole Parmer 32907-56 M-50SCCM-D

Cole Parmer 32915-56

Comet 6AA0025 & 6AA0026 mounted

Comet CPU 6AA0024 board

Comizoa COMI-LX504 V5.01

Commell FS-978 P4 & 3.00GHz CPU & RAM

Commonwealth scientific 33302 Rev J RTI 9904 MARK I/II interface board

Commonwealth scientific assy 37002 & 33306-1

Compact electric CDMR-51/Hit. G0527

CompactPCI WBL-H36835CPU PPC/PowerCoreCPCI-3750/128S-400-L1M-4 P/N 106582 rev K

Complete Opto Electronics COE 4AE

Complete Opto Electronics COE 830TX 830TXR

Complete Opto Electronics COE 880TX 880TXR

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