F6217 (1)

F6217 (1)

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Product Details

Hartmann & Braun 37211-4-0338701 Freelance 2000 CPU Module

Hartmann & Braun 61423-0-1001601 Bitric P Controller

Hartmann & Braun 61424-0-1100701 Bitric P Controller

Hartmann & Braun H&B TET30 Passive Galvanic Isolator 11365-0-1110000

Hartmann & Braun H&B TEU315 Temperature Transmitter

Hartmann & Braun H&B TZN124-Ex Supply Unit

Hartmann & Braun TEU310 Measurement transformer

Hartmann & Braun XI01 Contronic Module

Hartmann & Braun XP01 Contronic Module

Hartmann Braun Bitric P P61424-0 Controller

Hasler BFC Electronic Controller 2514.1000

Hasler HF9 HF 2506.8202 CPU

Hasler HF9 HF2506.6303 Analog Board

Hasler HF9 HF2506.8302 Weight Card

Hasler HF9 HF2506.8401 I/O Module

Hasler HF9 HF2508.8001 WF Card

Hasler SDU Continous 2512.0010 Control Panel

Hauser Servax 0200-M Base Unit

HBM 801070275 Measuring System

HBM IG 2612 Power Supply

HBM Load Cell Typ Z6 C3 200kg 2 mV/V 100mm installation

HBM MP01 Signal Conditioner

HBM MP09 Signal Conditioner

HBM MP55 Signal Conditioner

HBM MP55DP Signal Conditioner Frequency

HBM MP85DP Signal Conditioner

HBM PW16AC3 Single Point Load Cells 50kg

HBM Z6-2 Load Cell 20kp

HBM Z6FD1/20kg Load Cell

Heck TA Controller I

Heidenhain 210 334 02 Interpolation and digitising EXE 804

Heidenhain 309777-10 10m. Cable 02B012 01 08

Heidenhain 309777-20 20m. Cable 02B012 01 08

Heidenhain 385430-35 Encoder

Heidenhain 532571-09 Adapter cable

Heidenhain ERN 130 2500 27S12-03 Encoder 589612-1F

Heidenhain ERN 180.M003-5000 Encoder

Heidenhain EXE 650B X25/8 IdNr 26338030

Heidenhain EXE602E Id.Nr. 246842 Interface unit

Heidenhain MT101M Id.Nr. 361139-01 Linear encoder

Heidenhain ROC 413 512 01 Id.Nr. 631692-06 encoder

Heidenhain ROD 420 1800 01 -03 Id.Nr. 376840-0B

Heidenhain ROD 420.0000-4096 IdNr. 257949

Heidenhain ROD 426 1000 02S12-03 Encoder

Heidenhain ROD 426 2500 03S12-03 Encoder

Heidenhain ROD 426 IdNr. 295434-08 encoder

Heidenhain ROD 426 IdNr. 295434-12 encoder

Heidenhain ROD 426 IdNr. 295434-7L

Heidenhain ROD 426B-3600 Encoder

Heidenhain ROD 426B-4096 IdNr.258119 97 Encoder

Heidenhain ROD 426E-1000 IdNr.25058724 Encoder

Heidenhain ROD 430 150 01-03 Rotary Encoder 295444-0C

Heidenhain ROD 430 150 01-03 Rotary Encoder 376834-0C

Heidenhain ROD 486 1024 27S12-03 Encoder 376886-0E

Heidenhain ROD420 62501 -03 Id.Nr. 295281-F6

Heidenhain ROD420D-2048 IdNr. 257949 2C Encoder

Heidenhain ROD456.0000-2000 Encoder

Heinen 01-062932-1.0-100 Controller 8401.90072

Heinen 60463-1.0-000 Sensor

Heinen 62142-7.4 Relay board

Heinen 62744-1.0-000 Jagenberg OB1 Control Box

Heinen A201-120

Heinen A4-020 CPU 1010

Heinen ANT01-010 Board ANT-1080

Heinen CPU 50/17 K1-6 Controller Board

Heinen CPU A4-030 Processor

Heinen EAM 3211-180 Interface board

Heinen EAM3210-120 control board

Heinen EAM3211/13 Control Board EAM1040

Heinen EAM3211/13 Digital interface module EAM1040

Heinen EAM3211-110 control board EAM1020

Heinen EAM3211-140 Analog Board EAM1050

Heinen H-4-SBS-40 Circuit Board

Heinen Negele Env-D Control board

Heinen Niveauregel 01-062932-1.0-100

Heinrichs EPY-573-U90 Transmitter

Heinrichs UMF2-B11F0BH0 Electromagnetic flow meter PIT-A317B016H-0100-0-H

Heldt & Rossi 807E 7500-120 Servo Amplifiers

Helios PMS92-1LC-50-S Measurement converter

Helios PMS92-1LC-50-S Measurement system rod 20mm- 420mm

Helios PMS-FV-VA-4 Measurement converter

HELL 9291.00.54901.3 Power Supply

Hell Electronics 65266.9293.150.1211498 Board

Hell Engraving 3025.10.54000.1

Hell Engraving 4.723.2050072.02 Memory module

Hell Engraving 4.757.2140063.02 Board

Hell Engraving 4.758.2049910.03 Board

Hell Engraving 6.132.5006635.03 Board

Hell engraving 60-100 Raster head Typ C

Hell engraving 60-80 Raster head Typ C

Hell Engraving 77-193-0200 Board 1287508

Hell Engraving 77-194-0200 Board 1341170

Hell Engraving 77-195-1200 Board 1937405

Hell Engraving 9290.00.06102.3 Board 51332.9290.00.06100.4

Hell Engraving 9290.00.92500.3 Board 50674.9290.00.05700.4

Hell Engraving 9291.00.54805.4 Board

Hell Engraving 9291.00.54901.3 Board 64321.9291.549.0863440

Hell Engraving 9291.00.83102.4 Board 00000.9292.897.1181602

Hell Engraving 9291.00.93102.4 Board 00000.9292.897.1181602

Hell Engraving 9291.0054705.0 Board 60885.9291.547.0863254

Hell Engraving 9292.00.42201.4 Board 00000.9292.422.0967874

Hell Engraving 9292.00.59305.4 Board 61480.9292.593.1034936

Hell Engraving 9292.00.71501.4 Board 00000.9292.715.1077333

Hell Engraving 9292.00.72203.4 Board 62162.9292.722.1089250

Hell Engraving 9292.00.75903.4 Board 59303.9292.759.1077570

Hell Engraving 9292.00.77104.4 Power Supply

Hell Engraving 9292.00.85801.4 Board 00000.9292.858.1151312

Hell Engraving 9292.00.88603.3 Board 2.886.1173057.20

Hell Engraving 9292.00.88903.4 Board 60116.9292.889.1148206

Hell Engraving 9292.00.89501.4 Board 00000.9292.865.1151029

Hell Engraving 9292.00.91002.4 Board 59898.9292.910.1182080

Hell Engraving 9292.00.91902.4 Board 62707.9292.919.1211005

Hell Engraving 9292.00.94102.4 Board 61413.9292.941.1183680

Hell Engraving 9292.00.95002.4 Board 61906.9292.950.1105272

Hell Engraving 9292.00.96302.4 Board 59973.9292.963.1148478

Hell Engraving 9292.00.96402.4 Board 62684.9292.964.1204181

Hell Engraving 9292.00.96502.4 Board 61354.9292.965.1182692

Hell Engraving 9292.00.96601.4 Board 59667.9292.966.1183028

Hell Engraving 9292.00.97401.4 Board

Hell Engraving 9292.0090103.0 Board 00000.9292.901.1148893

Hell Engraving 9293.00.13702.4 Board 62536.9293.186.1298984

Hell Engraving 9293.00.13703.4 Board 62536.9293.186.1298984

Hell Engraving 9293.00.31001.4 Board 62139.9293.310.1341774

Hell Engraving 9293.00.36001.4 Board 00000.9293.360.1376322

Hell Engraving 9293.00.50302.4 Board 63562.9293.503.1432192

Hell Engraving 9293.00.56903.4 Board 62167.9293.569.1469932

Hell Engraving 9293.00.65401.4 Board 00000.9293.654.1519301

Hell Engraving 9293.00.65501.4 Board 00000.9293.655.1375946

Hell Engraving 9293.00.79501.4 Board 00000.9293.795.1530747

Hell Engraving 9293.00.79601.4 Board 64124.9293.796.1530658

Hell Engraving 9293.00.79602.4 Board 64124.9293.796.1530658

Hell Engraving 9293.00.79702.4 Board 63355.9293.797.1530631

Hell Engraving 9293.00.79801.4 Board 62748.9293.798.1530739

Hell Engraving 9293.00.82001.4 Board 00000.9293.820.1530828

Hell Engraving 9293.00.84201.4 Board 63242.9293.842.1602934

Hell Engraving 9293.00.86701.4 Board 3.867.1672274.02

Hell Engraving 9293.00.90901.4 Board 00000.9293.909.1537725

Hell Engraving 9293.00.91101.4 Board 00000.9293.911.1535323

Hell Engraving 9293.00.92003.4 Board 64297.9293.920.1575767

Hell Engraving 9293.00.94901.4 Board 00000.9293.949.1575813

Hell Engraving 9293.00.95001.4 Board 00000.9293.950.1603264

Hell Engraving 9294.00.01404.4 Board 4.014.1537431.03

Hell Engraving 9294.00.01501.4 Board 00000.9294.015.1537741

Hell Engraving 9294.00.04401.4 Board 64076.9294.044.1649701

Hell Engraving 9294.00.22701.4 Board 00000.9294.227.1722816

Hell Engraving 9493.00.86003.4 Board 65281.9493.860.1648926

Hell Engraving 9493.00.96402.4 Board 64637.3025.58000.1686518

Hell Engraving 9494.00.07301.4 Board 00000.3025.58200.1750097

Hell Engraving 9494.00.15802.4 Board 3025.58502.2882639.02

Hell Engraving 9494.00.21801.3 Board

Hell engraving 9494.060.1650009 board

Hell Engraving 9693.00.96602.4 Board 64903.9693.966.1573942

Hell Engraving 9693.786.1736167 Board

Hell Engraving 9694.00.39701.4 Board 4.397.1884271.01

Hell Engraving 9994.00.55501.4 Board 4.555.1973258.01

Hell Engraving 9994.00.66501.4 Board 4.665.2028905.01

Hell Engraving 9994.00.68701.4 Board 4.687.2094223.01

Hell Engraving 9994.00.74601.4 Board 4.746.2139804.01

Hell Engraving 9994.00.74702.3 Board 4.747.2139391.02

Hell Engraving 9994.00.74903.4 Board 4.749.2140020.03

Hell Engraving 9994.00.76401.4 Board 4.764.2096056.02

Hell Engraving 9994.00.76601.4 Board 4.766.2247410.01

Hell Engraving 9994.00.78302.4 Board 4.783.2029596.02

Hell Engraving 9994.00.78501.4 Board 4.785.2247986.02

Hell Engraving 9994.00.78601.4 Board 4.768.2050080.01

Hell Engraving 9994.00.79601.4 Board 4.796.2141108.01

Hell Engraving 9994.00.91003.4 Board 4.910.2140934.03

Hell Engraving 9994.00.91102.4 Board 4.911.2140527.02

Hell Engraving 9994.00.91202.4 Board 4.912.2140993.02

Hell Engraving 9994.00.91301.4 Board 4.913.2141388.01

Hell Engraving 9994.00.95302.4 Board 4.953.2141027.03

Hell Engraving 9994.00.96902.3 Board

Hell Engraving 9994.00.97901.4 Board 4.979.2294990.01

Hell Engraving 9994.0098303.0 Board 4.983.2374307.03

Hell Engraving 9995.00.00104.4 Board 5.001.2294737.04

Hell Engraving 9995.00.29802.4 Board 5.298.2522756.02

Hell Engraving 9995.0036902.0 Board 3056.71100.4018664.02

Hell Engraving 9996.1310004 Board 6.131.5007968.04

Heller ACPU90-VEE uni-Pro Card 23.050053-00007

Heller SYS90-F uni-Pro Card 23.020206-00165

Helm HM1734-LCP Load Cell with Allen-Bradley 1734-TOPS Terminal

Helmholz 700-331-1KF01 Analog Input board

Helmholz 700-392-1AM10B Cable

Hengstler 0 522 590 Rotary Encoder

Hengstler 0 523 429 Encoder

Hengstler 0 533 459 Encoder

Hengstler 0 565 055 Encoder

Hengstler 0 566 066 Encoder

Hengstler 0 760 118 Interface module

Hengstler 0732012 Tico 732 Multifuntion Meter

Hengstler 0732030 Tico 732 Counter

Hengstler 0781633 Board

Hengstler 58872-401 Controller

Hengstler 7251 Control unit

Hengstler 890 Counter

Hengstler RS38-O/500EQ.11KB Incremental Encoder

Herion 0270 Solenoid Valve Ex

Herion 04320 Pressure Switch 3-63 Bar

Herion 0810126 Pressure Switch 0-10Bar 15A

Herion 0811500 Pressure Switch 0.3-> 6Bar

Herma 096972 Output board

Herma 096973 Input board 11510.020LS

Herma 097685 Board

Herma 2607.09 Power Supply 096978

Herrmann SBS200/115 Board

Herweg 20-6565-90 Weight Terminal

Hetronic RX CP2 wireless module

HEUFT DSD2000 System Power Supply

Hewlett Packard 3488A OPT-023 Switch/Control Unit

HIE MTW 9050/129P-SSA-Z Welding Control

HIE MTW 9050/6P-SSA-Z Welding Control

Hilscher CIF30-IBM Rev.2 Communiction Board

HIMA F3221 Digital Input Module

HIMA F3221 Module

HIMA F3222 Module

Hima F3236 Digital Input Module

HIMA F3311 Module

HIMA F3322 Digital output module

Hima F3330 Digital Output Module

HIMA F3413 Module

HIMA F6204 Module

HIMA F6214 Analog input module

HIMA F6215 Analog output module

Hima F6217 Analog Input Module  sealed

HIMA F6701 Module

HIMA F6706 Analog output module

HIMA F6706 Analog output module  sealed

HIMA F7105 Board module

HIMA F7126 Power Supply Module

HIMA F7127 Power supply

Hima F7133 Power Distribution Module

HIMA F7541 Module

HIMA F7552 Module


HIMA F8621 Module

HIMA F8621A Module

HIMA H7505 Interface Converter

Hima HIMatrix F30 01 Safety Controller

Hima Z6013 Card

Hioki 3162 Clamp on power Hi Meter

Hioki 8830 Hi Corder set with accesories

Hioki 9131 Clamp On Adapter

Hirachi Kokusai KP-D20AP CCD Color Camera with Lenses and filters

Hirchmann MM3-4FXM2 MICE Media Module

Hirchmann RS2-TX/TX Switch

Hirschmann EAGLE 20 TX/TX Industrial Security Router

Hirschmann EAGLE mGuard TX/TX Industrial Security Router

Hirschmann OSVC 01 BFOC Fiber Transmitter

Hirschmann RS20 Rail switch 8-port

Hirschmann RS20-0800M2M2SDHE Rail Switch

Hirschmann RS20-0800M2M2SDHEHH08.0.05 Rail Switch

Hirschmann RS20-1600M2M2SDAE Rail Switch

Hirschmann RS2-3TX/2FX EEC Rail Switch

Hirschmann RS2-4TX/1FX EEC Rail Switch

Hirschmann SPIDER-SL-40-08T Rail Switch

HMS ABX-PDPS-DEVS Anybus Gateway Module

Hoerbiger Origa 13400010-00270-153622 Cylinder

Hoffman DE-HPG Programmer

Hoffmann + Krippner 60201225 Genius+ Panel

Hohner 10-25321-1000 Encoder

Hohner 60-6501/250 Encoder

Hohner TEO4144/EAAO Encoder 1024 pls/r

Holec HF4B Current Transformer 200/1A

Holec HF4B Current Transformer 300/1A

Holec HF4B Current Transformer 600/5A

Holec HF5 Current Transformer 600/5A

Holec HF7A Current Transformer 1500A/5A

Honeywell 052775-02 Detection amplifier PCBA

Honeywell 053416 00 PCBA Tuning fork Driver Type 2

Honeywell 05378600 Board

Honeywell 054356 Frame Controller D0085562

Honeywell 08442700 System Repair Kit

Honeywell 08568101 Measurex Reed Sensor

Honeywell 08664800 Compensator ring

Honeywell 143PC05D Pressure Sensor

Honeywell 14502568-001 Control Board

Honeywell 14502570-001 Control Board

Honeywell 14502571-001 Board

Honeywell 14502574-002

Honeywell 14502575-001 Board

Honeywell 14502581-001 Control Board

Honeywell 14CE2-2 Limit switch

Honeywell 14CE2-6 Limit Switch

Honeywell 186996 NOK/ST/N/01 Keyboard Interface panel

Honeywell 1CH28 Micro Switch

Honeywell 252188 INK/ST/N/02 Indicator Module

Honeywell 43177148-001

Honeywell 43297618-002 Valve Unit

Honeywell 46 183048-012

Honeywell 481203.049 4-way Valve Spare part kit

Honeywell 51304485-100 Digital Input board

Honeywell 6000HT Analog GDB 6561520030 Rev.2 Measurex

Honeywell 620-0041 Power Supply Module

Honeywell 620-0082 DIF Board Ver 2.5

Honeywell 620-3632C Processor Module Ver 3.3

Honeywell 656152004 Measurex Phase detector

Honeywell 8LS125-4PG Switch

Honeywell AA-NIKLY-2 Color Adjustment board ME/N/02

Honeywell AA-NIKLY-2 User Interface Board

Honeywell AA-NIKRY-2 ME/N/02 Control Interface

Honeywell AA-RIABIY-2 Signal Interface

Honeywell AA-RIABOY-2 Signal Interface 509816

Honeywell AC-EYV100 ALM85-CPU

Honeywell AC-EYV110-2 ALM85 SRI Board

Honeywell AC-EYV110-3 ALM85-SRI Board

Honeywell AC-EYV110-4 ALM85 SRI Board

Honeywell AC-EYV174-2 VCU Controller

Honeywell AC-EYV175-A VDU Controller

Honeywell AC-EZV109-1 ALM85-INI

Honeywell AC-EZV111-1

Honeywell AC-EZV115-A Board

Honeywell AC-EZV176-A3 ACU

Honeywell AC-EZV176-A3 ACU with AC-EZV203-A2 ATU

Honeywell AC-EZV184 ALM85-WIN Board

Honeywell AC-EZV190-B1 CPU88

Honeywell AC-EZV190-B2 CPU88

Honeywell AC-EZV192-B BEM

Honeywell AC-EZV193-B BES

Honeywell AC-EZV193-B1 BES

Honeywell AC-EZV198-B2 UMC

Honeywell AC-EZV203-A ATU

Honeywell AC-EZV203-A2 ATU

Honeywell AC-EZV212-2 MCO

Honeywell AC-EZV221 DI-16

Honeywell AC-EZV224-1

Honeywell AC-EZV224-A DSL2

Honeywell AC-EZV232 Board

Honeywell AC-EZV235 DO16 board

Honeywell AC-EZV254-1

Honeywell AC-EZV254-2

Honeywell AC-EZV257-2 AI8

Honeywell AC-EZV257-3 AI8 Board

Honeywell AC-EZV275-0 PPO interface board

Honeywell AC-EZV276-0 ROC Relay interface

Honeywell AC-EZV291 for printta

Honeywell AC-EZV298-0 CSI Board

Honeywell AC-EZV300-0 DIC Interface Board

Honeywell AC-EZV305-0 DO16P

Honeywell AC-EZV305-1 DO16P

Honeywell AC-EZV319-0 DI16P

Honeywell AC-EZV400-3 UPR Processor

Honeywell AC-EZV402-1 VEM Memory board

Honeywell AC-EZV426-4 MPI

Honeywell AC-EZV502-4 BOU Board

Honeywell AC-EZV504-0 FCO Board

Honeywell AC-EZV-B2 UMC

Honeywell ACO EZV505 20mA/C/02 Analog interface board

Honeywell AC-VMBY-3 086139 Memory unit

Honeywell Alcont Keyboard for graph development

Honeywell Alcont rack

Honeywell BBI NPA/N/01 Board

Honeywell BBI NPA/N/03 Board

Honeywell BBI NPX/N/03 Board

Honeywell BBI ST/N/03 Board

Honeywell BBSY-2 Communication interface 258638 BBS/ST/N/04

Honeywell BOU 24V/N board

Honeywell BZE7-2RQ8-PG

Honeywell BZE7-2RQ8-PG Limit Switch

Honeywell CCCC Interface Board

Honeywell CCCH Interface Board

Honeywell EMM ST/N/01 Memory Board

Honeywell EMM st/n/01 Memory module

Honeywell EP 2252-01/84.10

Honeywell EP 2252-01/KM

Honeywell ETI-A Ethernet Board ETI-1A

Honeywell EYV428 CLI Communication board

Honeywell EZV Keyboard for Printta

Honeywell EZV128E

Honeywell EZV190-B2 CPU88

Honeywell EZV202-2 KFC

Honeywell EZV266 DO8 board

Honeywell EZV-402-3 VEM Board

Honeywell EZV403B ABI communication module

Honeywell EZV405-A Rack

Honeywell EZV409 FMM Board ST/N/02

Honeywell EZV428 CLI Communication board

Honeywell EZV442 UHI Board ST/N/02

Honeywell EZV495 MAI Board

Honeywell EZV501 PFI ST/N/04 Pulse and Freq board

Honeywell EZV516 MSI Board 24V/N/04

Honeywell FAI EZV496 20mA/C/01 board

Honeywell FAI EZV496 20mA/C/03 board

Honeywell FAI EZV496 20mA/C/05 board

Honeywell FF-SAVL74RB Cometa Photoelectric Barrier

Honeywell FF-SLD30075M2E Light curtain Pair

Honeywell GLCB01E7B Micro Switch

Honeywell GLEB01B Limit Switch

Honeywell HW-IPCCY-2 Board

Honeywell HW-RIABIY-3 IO Interface

Honeywell infrared optima plus Analyzer 2108B2001 for Hydrocarbon Gas LEL%

Honeywell IPC 627 PLC System Complete

Honeywell IPWR1 Rack 2M10I6/N/04

Honeywell Keyboard Altim Control

Honeywell Keyboard for Altim

Honeywell L60-S020 Skinner Valve

Honeywell LPS Power Supply ST/N/01

Honeywell LPS-A Power supply

Honeywell LSA1A Micro Switch

Honeywell Lucifer EPP3BC21U60010 Pressure Regulator

Honeywell MAI 10V/N/02 Board

Honeywell Measurex 05341100 Backplane

Honeywell Measurex 05423800 Mod Head Backplane

Honeywell Measurex 05424700 Receiver Backplane

Honeywell Measurex 05428800 Rev.C Frame controller

Honeywell measurex 08767110 CT500 CPU

Honeywell Measurex M-D Analog Board 7680

Honeywell MSI Board EZV516

Honeywell NVM ST/N/01 Board

Honeywell OPI-B ST/N/03

Honeywell PBI AC-EZV456-0 Board

Honeywell PBO AC-EZV455-A1 Board

Honeywell PFI EZV501 Board

Honeywell RPD1Y-2 Interface board

Honeywell RSI ST/N/01 Board

Honeywell SCI Board ST/N/05

Honeywell SCI NPX/N/04

Honeywell SCI NPX/N/05

Honeywell SWI EZV497 24V/N/07

Honeywell Sx12 Receiver backplane 054247

Honeywell T7043C Insertion Sensor

Honeywell UIX XST/N/02 Communication module

Honeywell UMC800 operator interface 8002-0-00-0F0-000-4-0

Honeywell UPP EZV400 CPU

Honeywell VE4020A1005 Gas Valve

Honeywell VPR Board 1.75M/N/11

Honeywell VPR Board 3.75M/N/11

Honeywell W987A Temperature controller

Honeywell Winchester HDD unit

Honeywell Winchester Init&test HDD drive module

Honeywell WPS AC-EZV290

Honeywell WPS Power supply 902260

Honeywell XPR CPU ST/N/03

Honeywell XPR-A ST/N/04 Processor

Honsberg HD-020MI040 Flow Meter

Honsberg VD-040GR150 Adjustable piston flow switch

Horiba FIA-125 Flame ionization analyzer 57119312

HPB Technology ESD08 AC Servodrive

Huba Control 604.9100002 1-10 mbar Switch

Huba Control T60 Pressure Transmitter 0-100mbar 0-10V

Hubner POG 10 GD500 Double encoder

Hubner POG 10D 500I Ex Encoder

Hubner POG 9 D 250 Increment encoder

Hubner POG 9 D 500 Encoder

Hubner POG 9 G D 500 + POG 9 G D 500 Tacho Generator

Hubner POG 9D500+POG 9D500+FSL Multi encoder

Hubner Tacho HOG100DN5000R+HOG10D500 5000+500 TTL EX sensor

Hubner TDP 0,2 LT-4 Analog Tachogenerator

Hubner TDPZ 0,2 LT-4 Tachogenerator

Hunkeler ESBC2 Controller

Hycontrol Miniflex Programmable Level Controller

Hydac EDS 3446-3-0600-000 Pressure Sensor

Hydac EDS344-3-40-000 Pressure Switch

Hydac EDS344-3-600-000 Pressure Transmitter 0-600 Bar

I.R.E. RFHT G 300 75R 500W Brake resistor

IBR IBRit-mc4-bt Interface

IBS SK0222 Immediate Business System

IC Electronic SC3DD4020 Semiconductor Contactor

Ideacod CHM912GC22GR/8192 Encoder

Ideacod PH55796R/500 Encoder


Identec PC3440 RFID Reader

IDS650 controller

IEF Werner 1000432 PA-Control system

IEI AFL-10A Panel PC

IEI PPC-5170GSA Panel PC

Ifak isNet DP2 Profibus Master 2ch

Ifak isNet Lite Ethernet gateway

Ifo Electric NHC00 3pcs. NH Fuses

Ifoelectric HICAP ECO 35A Fuse 3 Pcs

IFSYS FC2000 Feeder Controller


II-VI Infrared 2.3622x1.772"dia.x.295"thick Cu Total Reflector

Ilme CHI 10 5 pcs. Heavy Duty Connector Base

IL-Power IPS-280 Power Supply

Imc HRDisplay

IMC-111FB-MM-ST Ethernet Media converter

IMO CDII75UK Jaguar drive

IMO Jaguar CD Display

IMO VXR2A5-4 Jaguar VXR Inverter Drive

IMO VXS220-3-EN Inverter Drive

Impac NG2-Q10 Pyro controller

Indramat APRB 02-02 Interface Module

Indramat AS161/006-000 Programming Module

Indramat AS174/024-000 Programming Module

Indramat DDC01.1-K100A-D Drive

Indramat DDC1.1-K100A-DG02-00 Drive

Indramat DDS02.2-A100-BE12-01-FW Servo Controller FWA-DIAX03-SSE-02VRS-MS

Indramat DKC03.3-040-7-FW Servo controller

Indramat DSM02.3-FW

Indramat DSS02.1 Fieldbus module

Indramat FWA-DIAX04-ELS-05VRS-MS Servo Controller HDS03.2-W075N-HS12-01-FW

Indramat HDS04.2-W200N-HS12 Servo drive

Indramat HSM01.1-FW Memory card FWC-HSM1.1-SSE.03V38-MS

Indramat HZF01.1.W010N Servo unit power supply

Indramat INK0618-00-31-3298 Communication cable

Indramat MDD112C-F-030-R5L-130GB0 Servo Motor

Indramat MOD01/1X0785-001 Programming Module

Indramat MOD01/1X1322-001 Programming Module

Indramat MOD1/1X045-001 Programming Module

Indramat RMA12.2-32-DC024-050 Output module

Indramat TDM 1.2-050-300-W1-000 Servo Controller

Industrial Communication ADAM-4510 Repeater

Infineon FP75R12KE3 IGBG module

Infranor MSMNW 12-0.3 Power unit

Infranor SMVE 2410+OS1 M69 Servo Control unit

Infrarodteknik 102710 Control Board

Infrarödteknik E216B ArtNr 02710 Control board

Ing. De Marsico 7736 Control Board Pizzozero

Ing. De Marsico 7737-1 Control Board Pizzozero

Ing. De Marsico 7738-1 Control Board Pizzozero

Inkjet 2520CLR-Q Make-Up Ink Bottle

Inor EK 221 Alarm Monitor

INOR SE43-1B Isolation module

Inor SE-50

Intec Industrie Electronic 848.2100.11-cont-2NR

Intec Industrie Electronic R1A.ARDO.111

InterApp IA10DA Valve 63mm with Pneumatic Actuator

interlinkBT VB2-FSW/FKW/FSW45 Splitter

Intermas 3505.6000100.0 Rack

Intermas 6.106.04968468.05 Interface Board

Intermas 6.106.4968468.02 Interface Board

Intermas 6.108.4994361.01 Communication Interface

Intermas 6.108.4994361.02 Communication interface

Intermas 6.108.4994361.03 Communication Interface

Intermas 6.110.4957911.03 Board

Intermas 96.602.05572436.01 Controller

Intermas BNR 05834481 Control Module

Interphase Corp 4220-S5 SCSI-2 PBO4220-003 CC04220-0909 Rev02

Interroll MultiControl Analog Interface 1103563

IPF OI98C558 Temperature Sensor

IQT205 Type 9407-840-90132 User Interface

IR 470PDA40 84 47 Diode

Iskra BQ2107 Analogue Meter +-20Bar/Min

ITD ITD07CMT5HR01 7" Industrial Monitor

ITD ITD09CMT501 9.7" Touch display open frame with PCAP Touch

ITW Dynatec DynaTrack Glue controller

ITW Switches 65-201000

IVO GXM2S.Z15 Encoder

Ivo Industries G317.A30HX04C00 Encoder

Ivo Industries G317.A30IX04C00 Encoder

J.C. Eckardt A.G. 6 961 132 Control Unit

J.C. Eckardt A.G. 6 961 1324 Control Unit

J.C. Eckardt A.G. 6 962 132 Control Unit

J.M.Clarke 600-13150 Power Supply 290-11280

Jacke 1kva VDE0550 Control voltage transformer

Jai CV-A11 Progressive Scan Camera with Lens

Janich&Klass H&T AD-OPTO-IO Vers.1.2 Muller Board

Janitza UMG503 Universal Measuring Device

Janitza UMG96S Universal Measuring Device 52.13.025

Jaquet FTW1413UC3 module

Jay Electronique UCR0BM2

JAY RSEP40-0 remote handheld unit

Jay RSRB0400-0 Radio Safe module

Jay Sensors SAHM02 Timer

Jena Ecostep 54-AJ-000-000 Servo Drive

Jenaer Ecostep 54-AJ-010-000 Servo Controller

Jetter D32 PNP Remote IO unit

Jetter LCD12 Interface Panel

Jetter Mikro-D option CNT

JIS C 6802:2005 Laser sensor HSDR-CMOS

JMC P7602/012 Power supply

Johnson Controls P33XB-9203 Pressure Switch

Josef Koberlein RMA103 Controller

J-Schneider C-Tec2415 ACC-Tec 2420-8 Module

JUD F1016M Weight module

JUD F-1017M Weight module

Jumo 703044/181-000-23/000,000 dTRON 304 Temperature Controller

Jumo 703570/081-1100-150000-23-00/00 Temperature Controller

Jumo 703570/091-1100-111000-23-00/00,056 Dicon 500 Temperature Controller

Jumo Dicon SM SRM-48H 30-001.00-61.6100.0000 Temperature Controller

Jumo SRM-48Q/10-001.00-61.5100.0000 Temperature Controller


JVL SMI3x Servo/Step-Motor Indexer

Kadia EAU0100011 Unipos PC Board

Kadigo PA4 Process Analyser

Käfer Japamec 0,01mm

Kannetsu 30-3972-1-2 User Interface

Karl Kapfer TPK mS93.-9012 Pressure Sensor

Karl Mayer Operator interface BE554

Kasten Hovik User Interface panel

KBR AB23480 Energy management Multimess

KBR Profimess Power analyser with Profibus

Kendrion Typ 77 60019A00 Brake unit

Kistler 5004 Dual Mode Amplifier

Kistler 5859 CoMo II-S Control Monitor

Kistler 9313AA1 Force Transducer

Klebetechnik BM/B3 ZDR200-PB Control Panel

KLEE Drive T2C 200L-4 Motor AC 30kW 1460rpm

KLN 588 588F /064020388 Ultrasonic Generator

Klockner Moeller DE4-COM-2X Interface Module

Klockner Moeller DIL 2v-22d

Klockner Moeller EBE 223.1-6 CPU-W

Klockner Moeller EBE 243.1-3 Power supply

Klockner Moeller EBE 276.1 CPU

Klockner Moeller EBE 295.1 -3 Communication module

Klockner Moeller EBE200 Input card

Klockner Moeller EBE206.1-3 Digital Input Board

Klöckner Moeller EBE241.1-5 Power Supply

Klockner Moeller EBE250A Output card

Klockner Moeller EBE251 Output card

Klockner Moeller EBE253 Digital output card

Klockner Moeller EBE254-4-220 Output card

Klockner Moeller EBE266.1-3 Digital Output Board

Klockner Moeller EM4-101AA1 Analog I/O Module

Klockner Moeller EM4-201-DX2

Klockner Moeller EMT6-DBK Thermistor Overload Relay

Klockner Moeller ETR4-69-A Timer Relay

Klockner Moeller INP-400

Klockner Moeller OUT-400

Klockner Moeller PKZM 1-0,6 Motor-protective Switch

Klockner Moeller PRG3 Hand-held Programmer

Klockner Moeller PS3-DC PLC Module

Klockner Moeller PS416-INP-400 Digital Input Card

Klockner Moeller PS416-INP-401 Digital Input Card

Klockner Moeller PS416-OUT-400 Digital Output Card

Klockner Moeller Sucos PRG 3 Programmer

Klockner Moeller TPy3-415/440-110L-4B Typact Servo Drive

Klockner Moeller Z1-24 Motor Overload Relay

Klockner Moeller ZM-1,6-PKZ2 Manual Motor Starter with NHI11-PKZ2

Klockner Moeller ZM-25-PKZ2 Manual Motor Starter with NHI11-PKZ2

Klockner Moeller ZM-40-PKZ2 Circuit Brekaer with NHI11-PKZ2

Klockner Moeller ZM-4-PKZ2 Manual Motor Starter with NHI11-PKZ2

Klockner Moeller ZM-6-PKZ2 Manual Motor Starter

Klockner Moeller ZM-6-PKZ2 Manual Motor Starter with NHI11-PKZ2

Klockner-Moeller EBE230 CPU module

KMA ESF13-18 Power Supply

KME 19LM1901A51UN/4 RGB Monitor

KMF Haarlem Holland TDR240 Gear Motor

Knick 11206 Isolating Amplifier

Knick GT17 DC Transformer 85653

Knick HV27 DC Amplifier 127934

Kniel C5.2 101-000-02 Power Supply

Kniel CD 15.1 Power Supply 120-009-00

Kniel DC 5.10/24 Power Supply 380-000-02.08

Kniel Energy 3000 VE3P 140.25/OP1 Art.Nr 580-011-12.03 Power Supply

Kniel EXWUI 30.50 Power Supply 750-100-00.25

Knöll KSE-5 Control unit

Köberlein Rma power box 107/24

Kobold SM-NS-R Adjustable Flow Switch

KOE TX31D200VM0BAA LCD Display NA-440

Kollmorgen A.F.031.5 Sercos interface board

Kollmorgen A.F.031.5 Sercos interface board FW 4.94

Komeg VT104_V2 Externes Taster Interface

Kompaktronik MB/1AK150 Heating Control

KONE KM769900G05 V3F16L type 769900 G05 Rev 1.8

Konecranes ESD141 Rectifier

Konecranes QC-470 Rotary limit Switch

Kontron Eco Panel 121 1307-000-00 Cooper Power tools

Kontron Electronic CA-1-94-V-0 Circuit Board LPT9211

Koyo APS5-18F-E2 Proximity Switch

Kraus&Naimer C26 A5 390-600 EF Switch

Krohne Corimass MFC 2000-40S Signal Converter

Krohne Corimass MFS 2000 40S Mass Flow Sensor

Krohne DWM1000 1.A. Sensor

Krohne H250 RR M9 ESK EEx 0- 280 m3/h flow meter

Krohne H250/RR/M9 Flow meter 0-4000 L/h

Krohne H250/RR/M9/K1 Flow Meter

Krohne IFC090 IFM5080 Flow meter 0-15 L / hr with totalizer

Krohne IFM5080C/D/H/6 Flow meter 0-50 l/h

Krohne VA 20 R K2 Meter

Krom Schroder DG110VC8D-6S32Z Gas Pressure Switch 84448452

Kromschroder DWL03A Pressure Switch

Krones 2-098-85-070-1 Operator Panel

Krones 2-098-85-101-0 Operator Panel

Krones TG 4001A2K Control Unit

KSR Kuebler ER 230 Set Point Relay Y113496S

Kubler 8.7000.125B.0050.0050 Incremental encoder EX rated

Kubler LRU9 Magnetic Switch

Kuka 116822 17-Pin Data cable connector

Kuka 117080 17-Pin Data cable connector 90Deg Angle

Kuka KRC32 6FR2490-0AH12 Teach Pendant unit

Kurz Series 155 ADAM Mass Flow Computer

Labod uP-AR 5.1 Servo control board

Labom E 3130/10 Isolation Amplifier for PT100

Labom E 3301/10 Limit Detector

Labom PD 2140 Interface module

Lae TR20/2 Temperature Controller

Lae TRST/30 Controller

Lahti Precision RC2-33t-F Load Cell 0-33000 KG

Lambda HR-11-12 Power Supply 12V 10A

Lambda RWS-1000A-5 -44150 Power Supply

Lambda V601MPC Vega650 Power Supply

Lamtec LAMBDA LT2 Transimtter

Land DPU230 Power Supply

Landis & Gyr PRU1.64 Heating Controller

Landis & GYR PTM1.2Y10 Switching Module

Landis & GYR PTM1.2Y10S Switching Module

Landis & Gyr QRA10.C Flame Detector

Landis & Staefa RWI 65.01 Controller

Landis & Staefa RWM82.001 Controller

Landis&Gyr LGK16.322A27 Burner sequence controller

LANGER AC53 1TAC0531K0-05 Current transformer 1000A/5A

Laser Components FP-L-660-5-20-F250 Laser 660nm 15mW

Lauer LCA141 Text Display

Lauer LCA142 142.322.7 Display

Lauer LCA265 Text Display

Lauer PCS 950 Operator Panel

Lauer PCS009.m User Interface Panel

Lauer PCS950.103.0 Operator Interface

Lauer PCS950C 95C.201.0 User Interface Trepko

Lauer PCS950c user interface 95C.201.0

Lauer PG 95C.201.0 Operator Interface

Lauer Systeme PCS 200FZ Operator Console

LCC 2M1FSM26-9184--B Capacitor

LCD Screen 5.7" EW50367NCW Display Panel 320*240

Legrand 243021 Power Supply 230VAC 48V 5A

Lehmann & Michels MP29

Lehner MC1/K 466 Optical sensor

Lehner RTGAE 801/1 Opto Sensor

Leine & Linde 06890000 rotary encoder 1024 ppr

Leine & Linde 06890000 Rotary Encoder 2048 ppr

Leine & Linde 08507041 Incremental Encoder 1000 ppr

Leine & Linde 08590010 25rpm 4-20mA rotation encoder

Leine & Linde 08607331 Encoder 1024 ppr 08690000

Leine & Linde 35B Optical Incremental Encoder 300 Pls/rev

Leine & Linde 525006391 Incremental Encoder 1024ppr 25ppr

Leine & Linde 538441-01 Encoder

Leine & Linde 560007351 Rotary encoder 1024 ppr

Leine & Linde 632001151 Incremental Encoder 2048ppr

Leine & Linde 6810 Optical Incremental Encoder

Leine & Linde RHI 503 574978-01 rotary encoder 1024 ppr

Leine & Linde Rotary Encoder 2048 PPR 06890000

Leine & Linde RSI503 1024 ppr IdNr.519244-02

Leine & Linde RSI503 2000 ppr IdNr.517538-07

Leine Linde 5000 ppr 520021052 Incremental encoder

Leine Linde RHI 503 Nr. 519182-01 500 ppr

Leine&Linde 632001011 Incremental Encoder 2500 ppr 5V

Leine&Linde 861900220-1024 Encoder

Leipold 77-7210-00 Multiprocess Q8PT Welding Control

Leister HE61S Heating Element

Leister LHS 60S Heater 6kW

LEM DHR 600 C10 Current Transducer 600A

LEM IT150-S Current Transformer

LEM LC100S/SP7 Current Module

LEM LF505-S Current Transformer

LEM LT1005-T Current measurement transformer 1000A

LEM LT2005-T Current measurement transformer 2000A

Lenord + Bauer GEL290 Rotary encoder

Lenze 13.231.11-03.001 Control Board

Lenze 13127094 Drive 2.4A

Lenze Clutch

Lenze 14.422.01 Interface board

Lenze 14.438.08.08 Motor Brake 80.4.428-008/1 ID.043654

Lenze 14.502/512.02 Clutch with slip ring

Lenze 2002 Control Board

Lenze 2008 Control Module

Lenze 2012 Module

Lenze 2040 Control Board

Lenze 2133IB Profibus Module

Lenze 308122 Network throttle

Lenze 322 Digital Display

Lenze 322149 Transformer 3x1,2mh+/-10%

Lenze 33.474_E DC Drive

Lenze 33.4903E drive

Lenze 33.8201_E Inverter

Lenze 33.8204_E Drive

Lenze 431 Control Board

Lenze 472 E S0 ArtNr 327542 DC Drive

Lenze 474 E 2 DC Drive ArtNr. 320380

Lenze 482E1 DC Drive

Lenze 490 Drive with 4091 Control Board

Lenze 492E S0 3I1664 DC Drive 3/6A

Lenze 492E.4C 325592 DC Drive 3/16A

Lenze 494 E Drive 494_E_S0

Lenze 58A35 3320391-03001 Control board

Lenze 630 DC Drive 6031.3

Lenze 630 DC Drive 6031P

Lenze 8100 8105_A.1A.50 ArtNr. 347578 Drive 7A

Lenze 8100 8106_E.4B.12 Drive

Lenze 8600 Frequency Drive 8601.MP

Lenze AC760 763E1 Drive ArtNr 324513

Lenze AC760 Inverter 767E2e 326460

Lenze BY-140 controller

Lenze E82EV751_2B with CAN VFD drive

Lenze E82EV751_4C Drive

Lenze E82ZL22212B Line Reactor 2,5mH

Lenze E82ZN22334B230 Line filter 42A

Lenze E94AYAD Safety interlock module

Lenze E94AYM34 MM340 Memory module

Lenze ELCAFHI 7514 Single Drive HighLine control module

Lenze ELCAFHI1524 Single Drive Highline

Lenze EMF2133IB Profibus-DP Communication Module

Lenze EMZ2002-E DC Drive Controller

Lenze EVD532-E.1B Speed Controller 530

Lenze EVF8204-E Inverter

Lenze EVF8211-E drive

Lenze EVS9327-ES Drive

Lenze EZN2_017A001 Line filter

Lenze EZN3A0080H042 Infeed filter

Lenze MCA 14L35-RS0P5-N24R-ST5F10N-R080 Servo motor 3455RPM 390V

Lenze MCA14L35-RS0P2-Z0E0-ST5F10N-R0SU Servo Motor with gear GST06-2A

Lenze MCS 09F38-RS0B0-B14N-ST5S00N-R08U Servo Motor

Lenze MCS 09F38-RSOP1-B14N-ST5S00N-R0SU Servo Motor

Lenze MCS09F38-RS0B0-B14N-ST5S00N-R0SU Servo Motor

Lenze MCS09F38-RS0P1-B14N-ST5S00N-R0SU Servo Motor

Lenze MDEMA1M071-42 Motor

Lenze MDSKSRS071-13 Servo Motor with Gear GST05-2S

Lenze NT000 Power Supply Board

Lenze NT102 320832 Control board

Lenze PU100 Board

Leonard+Bauer 7751.5000.2 Controller

Leroy LSMV100LG 3kW 1460rpm gearmotor with EQN425 SSI07 Encoder

Leroy Somer FR-START 1486

Leroy Somer LSES90SL Induction Motor 1.5kW 3000rpm

Leroy Somer STV2313 14-145 Digistart

Leroy Somer STV2313 14-211 Digistart

Leroy Somer STV2313 14-86 Digistart

Leroy Somer UMV 4301 5.5T Uni1405 Servo Drive

Leroy Varmeca 21M055 Gearmotor 230V/6.5A with Integrated VFD

Leuhaut-Mesure CS1 M1 700 Measurement rod

Leukhardt IVS controller

Leuze BCL 80 SL 100 Barcode Scanner

Leuze BCL80 SL100 Barcode Scanner

Leuze DDLS 170/120.1-2110 170/120.2-2110 Pair Data Transimission system

Leuze DDLS 78.7 Optical Data Transmitter

Leuze electronic 50038007 Barcode system BPS34SM100 with MS34103

Leuze Electronic LS 85/7 Sensor

Leuze electronic LS78/7S-220V Light Barrier

Leuze electronic MSI-TR1 Test control unit

Leuze electronic RK78/7-2000 Photoelectric Sensor

Leuze Electronic RK80/7 Light Barrier

Leuze Electronic RK85/7 Photoelectric Sensor

Leuze Electronic RT 96M/R-1574-800-25 Sensor

Leuze FRK 78/7-800 Light switch

Leuze HRT 96M/R-1690-1200-25

Leuze IPRK 92/4 L Photoelectric Sensor

Leuze LS 85/7 E Photo Sensor

Leuze LS 85/7 SE Photo Sensor

Leuze LS72/2 E Photo Sensor

Leuze MA 30 110 V1.09 Connection unit

Leuze MLD-M003 Mirror PartNr 66500200

Leuze MSI-TR1B-01 Test control unit MSI-TR1B

Leuze PRK 8/44-S12 Sensor

Leuze Quattro-RSX Konturflex

Leuze RK 97/2 D S Retro Reflective Sensor

Leuze TNT35 Test control unit

Liebherr 010-1090-1.0L Valve

Link Motion Carputer

LinMot 0150-1284 Type PS10-70x320U-BL-QJ Stator

LinMot B1100 Demo case with linear actuator PS01-23

LinMot B1100-PP Drive

LinMot B1100-VF Drive

LinMot B1100-VF-XC Drive

LinMot C1250-EC Linear Servo Demo kit

LinMot Demobox 134 B1100 with linear actuator

LinMot E1100-MP Servo Controller

LinMot E2030-DP Servo Controller

LinMot E4000-MT Servo Drive

LinMot KS05-W/C-4 Servo Cable

LinMot KS05-W/C-6 Servo Cable

LinMot PF02-23x120 Flanges

LinMot PF02-37x140 Guide Pn 0150-2105

LinMot PF02-37x200 Guide Pn0150-1999

LinMot PL01-20x1200/1120 Slider

LinMot PL01-20x1400/1320 Slider

LinMot PL01-20x395/320-L Slider

LinMot PL01-20x400/340-LC Slider standard

LinMot PL01-20x700/620 Slider

LinMot PS01-23x160H-HP-R Stator

LinMot PS01-37x120-C Stator

LinMot PS01-37x240-M Stator PN0150-1211

Liquidyn Controller V10

Lite On PS-5101-1F Power Supply

Litton G70SSLDBI 2500-151-15BX Encoder

LK-NES 170E 6114 5pcs. Fuse

LMI SP1D-8-50 Laser Diode

Loher 2T2A-03400-005 Dynavert Frequency inverter

Lowara CEA70/5/A Pump 0,88kW

LS XBE-DR16A IO expansion

LT100TS Power Unit BG10274

LTI Drives FLP13-0395-30-AC2 9,5 kW Servo Motor

Lucas LVDT sensor 100HR-MC

Lumberg 0910 ASL 438 AS-interface-Slave

Lumberg 0910 ASL146 4E/4A AS-interface module

Lumberg 0910ASL438 AS-interface slave

Lumberg 0910ASL438 AS-interface slave  sealed

Lumberg 0970PSL111 Profibus distributor

Lumberg ASBV/LED-5m Sensor Box

Lumiflex Basis-270 BWS-5 Nr 529000

Lust CDA32.004.C1.2 Drive 4A

We could not find any corresponding parameters, please add them to the properties table

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Fuzhou Zhuokai Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise selling all kinds of automation products from Europe, Japan and the United States. Established long-term and stable business cooperation with famous industrial control product manufacturers, the company's main agent sales products include modules, motherboards, motors, drivers, power supplies, sensors, inverters, relays, solenoid valves, etc. These products are widely used in shipbuilding, coal mining, steelmaking, semiconductor, metallurgy, power generation, logistics, textile, printing, transportation, packaging and other industries. Our professional team will put the needs of customers in the first place, update from time to time, and provide speed and quality service to meet the needs of customers in various industries.
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Fuzhou Zhuokai Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise selling all kinds of automation products from Europe, Japan and the United States. Established long-term and stable business cooperation with famous industrial control product manufacturers, the company's main agent sales products include modules, motherboards, motors, drivers, power supplies, sensors, inverters, relays, solenoid valves, etc. These products are widely used in shipbuilding, coal mining, steelmaking, semiconductor, metallurgy, power generation, logistics, textile, printing, transportation, packaging and other industries. Our professional team will put the needs of customers in the first place, update from time to time, and provide speed and quality service to meet the needs of customers in various industries.
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Fuzhou Zhuokai Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise selling all kinds of automation products from Europe, Japan and the United States. Established long-term and stable business cooperation with famous industrial control product manufacturers, the company's main agent sales products include modules, motherboards, motors, drivers, power supplies, sensors, inverters, relays, solenoid valves, etc. These products are widely used in shipbuilding, coal mining, steelmaking, semiconductor, metallurgy, power generation, logistics, textile, printing, transportation, packaging and other industries. Our professional team will put the needs of customers in the first place, update from time to time, and provide speed and quality service to meet the needs of customers in various industries.
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SEW MDX61B-0150-503-4-0T 变频器.
Fuzhou Zhuokai Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise selling all kinds of automation products from Europe, Japan and the United States. Established long-term and stable business cooperation with famous industrial control product manufacturers, the company's main agent sales products include modules, motherboards, motors, drivers, power supplies, sensors, inverters, relays, solenoid valves, etc. These products are widely used in shipbuilding, coal mining, steelmaking, semiconductor, metallurgy, power generation, logistics, textile, printing, transportation, packaging and other industries. Our professional team will put the needs of customers in the first place, update from time to time, and provide speed and quality service to meet the needs of customers in various industries.
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卓凯电子 卓凯电子

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